The Purgatory is a prison ship, where you go to recruit a biotic-specialist convict (Jack) for Shepard's team. However, once you get to the post-processing department, it becomes evident that the warden has no intention of letting go a prized catch, especially one as valuable as Commander Shepard.
What ensues is an all-out war, between Shepard's squad and hordes after hordes of Blue Sun mercenaries, accompanied by multiple Fenris and Ymir mechs.
The sequence I love the most is the one that immediately follows Shepard's failed negotiation with Warden Kuril. It's real fun to bunker down behind whatever cover you can find behind the tables and chairs, and start gunning down waves after waves of mercs and Fenris mechs that burst through the door.
Check out my FemShep tackling the situation (on Insanity difficulty setting):
I have also cleared this area with Jacob and Miranda in my squad, in Insanity difficulty (NG+) with my Adept FemShep. Check out the biotic storm here:
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